Wildlife Resources in Middle Tennessee Region

 Wildlife and Habitat Management

Show Articles on Wildlife and Habitat Management (41)
Managing for Bees

Despite their critical role in nature and the economy, bee populations continue to decline in range and abundance.  One of the major causes of pollinator decline is habitat loss.


Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

If adopted, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (S. 2372 and H.R. 2773) introduced by Senators Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Representatives Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) would provide $1.3 ...


Working Lands For Wildlife

Through Working Lands for Wildlife —a voluntary, incentive-based effort—the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its conservation partners will provide landowners with technical and financial assistance to: Restore populations of declining wildlife species.


Reducing Woody Encroachment in Grasslands: A Guide for Understanding Risk and Vulnerability

A new guide, produced through a partnership between public university extension programs in the Great Plains, the USDA-NRCS’s Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW), the USDA-NRCS’s Central National Technology Support Center (CNTSC), and various other conservation partners, provides the first-ever framework for addressing woody encroachment, now recognized as one of the top two drivers of grassland loss in the Great Plains.


A talk with Carter Smith of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Watch and listen to a talk with Carter Smith the Executive Director and Tom Harvey the Deputy Director of Communications of the Texas Parks ...


Using Existing Tools to Expand Cooperative Conservation for Candidate Species Across Federal and Non-Federal Lands

For many years the Service has worked with partners to help them develop Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCAs). CCAs primarily have been developed by Federal agencies to cover Federal lands, and several have resulted in conservation efforts that made listing unnecessary.


IPaC - Information for Planning and Consultation

IPaC is a project planning tool which streamlines the USFWS environmental review process. Integrate the environmental review process into your project design. Quickly and easily identify USFWS managed resources and suggested conservation measures for your project.

Explore species and habitat
See if any listed species, critical habitat, migratory birds or other natural resources may be impacted by your project. Using the map tool, explore other resources in your location, such as wetlands, wildlife refuges, GAP land cover, and other important biological resources.

Conduct a regulatory review
Log in and define a project to get an official species list and evaluate potential impacts on resources managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Follow IPaC's Endangered Species Review process—a streamlined, step-by-step consultation process available in select areas for certain project types, agencies, and species.

Perform an impact analysis
For projects or species not covered by the step-by-step consultation process, get a list of potential impacts from your specified project activities to use when making effect determinations.Receive conservation measures recommended by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists to avoid, minimize, or mitigate effects to listed species.

Open the tool


National Wetlands Database and Interactive Mapping Tool

The Wetlands mapper is designed to deliver easy-to-use, map like views of America’s Wetland resources. It integrates digital map data along with other resource information to produce current information on the status, extent, characteristics and functions of wetlands, riparian, and deepwater habitats. ?The wetlands displayed on the Wetlands Mapper show wetland type and extent using a biological definition of wetlands. There is no attempt to define the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any Federal, State, or local government, or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies.?



Find a Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCCs)

Find an LCC here. The 22 LCCs collectively form a network of resource managers and scientists who share a common need for scientific information and interest in conservation. Each LCC brings together federal, state, and local governments along with Tribes and First Nations, non-governmental organizations, universities, and interested public and private organizations. Our partners work collaboratively to identify best practices, connect efforts, identify science gaps, and avoid duplication through conservation planning and design. 

Managing the landscapes that provide our natural and cultural resources has become increasingly challenging. With the signing of Secretarial Order No. 3289, the Department of the Interior launched the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) to better integrate science and management to address climate change and other landscape scale issues. By building a network that is holistic, collaborative, adaptive, and grounded in science, LCCs are working to ensure the sustainability of our economy, land, water, wildlife, and cultural resources. 


Arborist Search


Tree Planting Program

Dovetail Partners, Inc. has created an interactive map of organizations that provide resources, information, and assistance for people interested in planting trees. Each organization offers opportunities to get involved, whether it’s planting trees or making donations for trees and seeds. Click here.

It’s no secret that planting a tree is one of the best actions that you can take to improve and protect the environment. What you may not know, however, is that there are already hundreds of programs and efforts dedicated towards planting trees. By planting trees, we can improve air quality, harbor wildlife, and reduce carbon emissions that affect our climate. 


Mitigation and Conservation Banking

To many landowners a threatened or endangered (T&E) species on their property is anathema because it can herald all kinds of state and federal limitations on use of their property.& ...


Safe Harbor - Helping Landowners Help Endangered Species

This handbook describes safe harbor agreements and the way in which they work. It aims to help you decide if a safe harbor agreement makes sense for your land.& ...


Decontamination Documentation for Cavers

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) strongly recommends, first and foremost, compliance with all cave closures, advisories, and regulations in all Federal, State,Tribal, and private lands.


NRCS Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative and NFWF Recovered Oil Fund

In response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which is fouling beaches, marshes and mudflats all along the northern Gulf coast, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has created the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative.& ...


2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation

The 2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation was prepared as an introduction for fish and wildlife conservation providers – the on-the-ground biologists and conservation partners who help deliver Farm Bill conservation programs to landowners.


NBCI’s Bobwhite Almanac, State of the Bobwhite 2012

This 2nd edition of the NBCI’s annual “State of the Bobwhite” report provides the most comprehensive assessment ever compiled on the current state of bobwhite conservation in the US.


State Of The Bobwhite - Grassland Conservation At A Crossroads

This first annual “State of the Bobwhite” report by the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) and the National Bobwhite Technical Committee (NBTC) provides a snapshot of the population, hunting, and conservation status of the northern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus.


The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - A range-wide plan for recovering bobwhites

The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) is the unified range-wide strategy of 25 state wildlife agencies, with numerous conservation group and research institution partners, to achieve widespread restoration of native grassland habitats and huntable populations of wild quail.


A Guide to Successful Wildlife Food Plots - Blending Science with Common Sense

This publication provides technical guidance and practical information for wildlife management beyond planting and managing food plots.  ...


Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Gag Management Measures

NMFS implements management measures described in a framework action to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico (FMP), as prepared by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council).


Under Cover - Wildlife of Shrublands and Young Forest

The term “early successional habitat” describes the shrubs, trees, and other plants that grow back on the land after older vegetation has been removed or cut back.


Bobwhite Quail Biology and Management

This is a 7-page fact sheet that covers life history, food requirements, habitat and forest management to benefit Bobwhite.


Lightning-Season Burning - Friend or Foe of Breeding Birds?


Updated 2013 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Recreational Season Length Estimates

In February 2013, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council requested the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) promulgate an emergency rule for the 2013 recreational red snapper season.


Reasons for Prescribed Fire in Forest Management

A summary of all the benefits of prescribed fire in southern forests.


Conservation buffers - wildlife benefits in Southeastern agricultural systems

Conservation buffers such as filter strips, riparian buffers, grassed waterways, and field borders are especially applicable to southeastern landscapes and have multiple environmental benefits while serving to significantly improve wildlife habitats.


Bobwhite and Upland Songbird Response to CCRP Practice CP33, Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds

Summary Findings The Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds practice (CP33) is the first Federal conservation practice to target species-specific population recovery goals of a national wildlife conservation initiative (the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative).


A Burning Issue - Prescribed Fire and Fire-adapted Habitats of the East Gulf Coastal Plain

East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture (EGCPJV) prescribed fire communications strategy.  Developed with input from more than 45 prescribed fire/resource management experts throughout the East Gulf Coastal Plain, as well as guidance from the EGCPJV staff and board, the Strategy focuses on achieving three overarching policy, outreach and education goals that address current impediments to the use of prescribed fire.& ...


Toxicities of Agricultural Pesticides to Selected Aquatic Organisms

Lists toxicities of many different chemicals and how to reduce the risk of pesticide drift. A list of all Southern Regional Aquaculture Center factsheets (more than 150) are available at https://srac.t ...


Establishing Native Warm Season Grasses For Upland Wildlife

In recent years, there has been increased interest in establishing native warm season grasses (NWSG) and forbs as wildlife habitat. Commonly known as prairie or prairie grass, native grasslands and savannas, a forest/grassland complex with less than 50% tree coverage, historically dominated the landscape across much of the United States.


Longleaf Pine Regeneration

Provides instructions for artificial regeneration, site prep, seedings and planting to re-establish longleaf pine.  The guidelines conclude, “Longleaf pine has many desirable characteristics for landowners who have multiple-use forest management objectives.


A Field Guide to Southeast Bird Monitoring Protocols and Programs

A review of bird census techniques opens with the statement that ‘birds are counted for a wide variety of reasons by a bewildering range of methods’.


Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians And Reptiles of the Southeastern United States

The Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles series (hereafter Guidelines) is intended to provide private landowners, state and federal land agencies, and other interested stakeholders with regional information on the habitat associations and requirements of amphibians and reptiles, possible threats to these habitats, and recommendations for managing lands in ways compatible with or beneficial to amphibians and reptiles.


National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative Unified Strategy to Restore Wild Quail

Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) were once common, even abundant, on farms, rangelands and forests across more than 30 states. Bobwhites have declined an average of 3% per year since 1966, and have virtually disappeared from some northern states.


12 Wildlife Habitat Tips for Small Acreages

This brief University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture publication includes tips for developing a management plan and actual practices for habitat management.


Costs of Small Scale Catfish Production

Cost estimates developed for 6 2-acre levee ponds, including production facilities, site selection and pond construction, feed storage, water supply, equipment, and production practices.


Deep-Sea Benthic Footprint of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout


Wildlife Tourism and the Gulf Coast Economy

Wildlife tourism contributes substantially to the Gulf Coast economy.  Wildlife tourism is defined as (1) guide and outfitter businesses directly serving wildlife watchers, recreational fishers and hunters, and (2) lodging and dining establishments where these clients sleep and eat.



Summarizes biology of wild pigs, history of introduction and range of occurence within the U.S., and ecological and economic impacts, with suggestions for management strategies.


A Degraded Gulf of Mexico - Wildlife and Wetlands Two Years Into the Gulf Oil Disaster

Report summarizes current status of coastal wetlands and six wildlife species in the Gulf two years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.


Show Wildlife and Habitat Management Organizations & Professionals (94)
There are 94 resources serving Middle Tennessee Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Wildlife and Habitat Management Organizations & Professionals serving Middle Tennessee Region
Biologists / Ecologists
Alabama Forestry Association
Anna Morgan Duke - Grassroots Coodinator - Montgomery, AL
Brad Dethero
GEO-SOURCE Inc. Enviromental Consultants - Brad Dethero - Florence, AL
Brian Grice
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Wildlife Biologist - Furbearer Coordinator - Montgomery, AL
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
- College Station, TX
Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi - Corpus Christi, TX
Jackson Environmental Consulting Services, LLC
Jeremy L.Jackson - Ecologist, President/Owner - Richmond, KY
Jeremy Meares
Westervelt Wildlife Services - Manager / Certified Wildlife Biologist - Tuscaloosa, AL
Kevin Anson
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Chief Marine Biologist - Montgomery, AL
Matthew Brock
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Wildlife Biologist - Montgomery, AL
Richard Tharp
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Wildlife Biologist - Montgomery, AL
Ryan Basinger
Westervelt Wildlife Services - Wildlife Consulting Manager, Certified Wildlife Biologist®, Hunting Lease Manager - Demopolis, AL
Seth Maddox
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Migratory Game Bird Coordinator - Montgomery, AL
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Ted DeVos
Bach and DeVos Forestry and Wildlife Services - Ted DeVos - Montgomery, AL
Thomas Harms
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Large Carnivore Biologist - Montgomery, AL
Westervelt Ecological Services
John Wigginton - Regional Manager, Southeast Region - Auburn, AL
Wildland Services, LLC
Will Neighbors - Biologist - Auburn, AL
Wiregrass Ecological Associates
- Enterprise, AL
Fire Services / Prescribed Burning
Alabama Prescribed Fire Council
Marti Davis - SECRETARY - Montgomery, AL
Avery Littrell
Littrell Lumber Mill - Prescribed Burning - Decatur, AL
Bobby Wallace
North Alabama Land Clearing LLC - Prescribed Burning - Lexington, AL
Brad Campbell, RF
Southern Resource Service, Inc. - Brad Campbell - Starkville, MS
Bruce Lanier
McKinley & Lanier Forest Resources Inc. - President, Founding Partner - Northport, AL
Casey H. Newton
American Forest Management - Florence, AL
Chloeta Fire Inc.
Mark Masters - Midwest City, OK
Colin Bagwell
Colin Bagwell Forestry - Owner - Huntsville, AL
David S. Lewis
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc - Monticello, FL
Earl D. Barrs, RF
Knapp-Barrs & Associates, Inc. - Earl D. Barrs - Macon, GA
Eddie Carlson
Carlson Land ServicesInc. - Eddie Carlson - Montgomery, AL
Herman Jaggers
Jaggers and Associates - Prescribed Burning - Lexington, AL
Jesse Horton
Horton Forestry LLC - Huntsville, AL
Malcom Landers
Landers Land Improvement, LLC - Prescribed Burning - Albertville, AL
Marty Kilpatrick
Rosa Forestry Services - Marty Kilpatrick - West Reform, AL
Marty Kilpatrick
Rosa Forestry Services - Marty Kilpatrick - West Reform, AL
Robert A. Johnson Jr.
South Alabama Forestry Services - Sole-Proprietor - Atmore, AL
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Fire Exchange
Kevin Robertson - Fire Ecology Research Scientist - Tallahassee, FL
T.D. Baker, Jr.
M22 Incorporated - Prescribed Burning - Phil Campbell, AL
Ted DeVos
Bach and DeVos Forestry and Wildlife Services - Ted DeVos - Montgomery, AL
Tom Brickman
Cypress Partners - Tom Brickman - Birmingham, AL
Riparian and Wetlands Specialists
Alabama Audubon
- Birmingham, AL
Barry A. Vittor & Associates, Inc.
- David Spector - Mobile, AL
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commision
- Ocean Springs, MS
Jackson Environmental Consulting Services, LLC
Jeremy L.Jackson - Ecologist, President/Owner - Richmond, KY
Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center
- Baton Rouge, LA
Restore America's Estuaries
- Arlington, VA
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management
Scott Brown - OwnerNC
The Earth Partners
- Houston, TX
Wildland Services, LLC
Will Neighbors - Biologist - Auburn, AL
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division
District 1 Office - Tanner, AL
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division
District 2 Office - Jacksonville, AL
Amy Silvano
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Assistant Chief of Wildlife Research - Montgomery, AL
Barry A. Vittor & Associates, Inc.
- David Spector - Mobile, AL
Brad Dethero
GEO-SOURCE Inc. Enviromental Consultants - Brad Dethero - Florence, AL
Central Hardwoods Joint Venture
Jane Fitzgerald - Coordinator - Reeds Spring, MO
Charles Sykes
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Director of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries - Montgomery, AL
Chris Smith
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Assistant Chief, Operations - Montgomery, AL
Frank M. Riley, Jr.
Southern Heritage Land Co. - Forestry & Wildlife Management Division - Registered Forester - Hiawasee, GA
Gulf Coast Joint Venture
Barry Wilson, USFWS - GCJV Coordinator - Lafayette, LA
Jackson Environmental Consulting Services, LLC
Jeremy L.Jackson - Ecologist, President/Owner - Richmond, KY
Jeremy Meares
Westervelt Wildlife Services - Manager / Certified Wildlife Biologist - Tuscaloosa, AL
Jud Easterwood
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Supervising Wildlife Biologist - Tanner, AL
Keith Gauldin
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Wildlife Section Chief - Montgomery, AL
Marianne Gauldin
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Outreach Specialist - Montgomery, AL
Mark Bailey
Conservation Southeast, Inc. - Andalusia, AL
Mark W. Thomas
Forestry Wildlife Integration, LLC - President/Owner - Hoover, AL
Richmond Nell Consulting
Richie Nell - Land Investments and Management - Saraland, AL
Ricky ONeill
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Forester - Camden, AR
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Bill Sutton, Jessica Homyack - Co-Chairs - Clemson, SC
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Aiken, SC
Southern Conservation Partners
Chuck Roe - President - Raleigh, NC
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management
Scott Brown - OwnerNC
Steve Barnett
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - District Wildlife Supervisor/Wild Turkey Project Leader - Montgomery, AL
Steven Mitchell
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division - Supervising Wildlife Biologist - Jacksonville, AL
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Tutt Land Company
- Thomaston, AL
Walter B. Dennis, RF
Walter Dennis & Associates, Inc. - Walter B. Dennis - Natchez, MS
Wiregrass Ecological Associates
- Enterprise, AL
Wildlife Rehabilitators
Alabama Wildlife Center
Oak Mountain State Park - Pelham, AL
Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitators
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Montgomery, AL
Alabama Wildlife Rescue (AWR)
Michael Treat - Director - Huntsville, AL
Auburn University Raptor Center
Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine - Auburn, AL
Great Ecology
- San Diego, CA
Mary Stockard
Wildlife Rehabber - Birmingham, AL
Monarchs In the Rough
Alison Davy - Audubon International - Troy, NY
Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation
- Buffalo, MO

 Wildlife Best Management Practices

Show Articles on Wildlife Best Management Practices (31)
Working Lands For Wildlife

Through Working Lands for Wildlife —a voluntary, incentive-based effort—the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its conservation partners will provide landowners with technical and financial assistance to: Restore populations of declining wildlife species.


Mowing and Management: Best Practices for Monarchs

Understanding when monarchs are present allows land managers to time management practices like burning, mowing, grazing, or targeted pesticide application when they are least likely to harm monarchs.


A talk with Carter Smith of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Watch and listen to a talk with Carter Smith the Executive Director and Tom Harvey the Deputy Director of Communications of the Texas Parks ...


Fire Effects Information System

The Fire Effects Information System is an online collection of reviews of the scientific literature about fire effects on plants and animals and about fire regimes of plant communities in the United States. FEIS reviews are based on thorough literature searches, often supplemented with insights from field scientists and managers. FEIS provides reviews that are efficient to use, thoroughly documented, and defensible. Approximately 15 to 30 new or revised reviews are published in FEIS each year. There are 3 types of FEIS reviews:

  1. Species Reviews 
  2. Fire Studies 
  3. Fire Regime Syntheses 


Decontamination Documentation for Cavers

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) strongly recommends, first and foremost, compliance with all cave closures, advisories, and regulations in all Federal, State,Tribal, and private lands.


NRCS Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative and NFWF Recovered Oil Fund

In response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which is fouling beaches, marshes and mudflats all along the northern Gulf coast, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has created the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative.& ...


The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - A range-wide plan for recovering bobwhites

The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) is the unified range-wide strategy of 25 state wildlife agencies, with numerous conservation group and research institution partners, to achieve widespread restoration of native grassland habitats and huntable populations of wild quail.


A Guide to Successful Wildlife Food Plots - Blending Science with Common Sense

This publication provides technical guidance and practical information for wildlife management beyond planting and managing food plots.  ...


SeaStates 2013 - How Well Does Your State Protect Your Coastal Waters?

Here, using publicly available information, the Marine Conservation Institute and Mission Blue present the first scientifically rigorous quantitative account of no-take marine reserves in the waters of US coastal states and territories.


CP 33 Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds

CP-33 Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds is available under the United States Department of Agriculture Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP).


Lightning-Season Burning - Friend or Foe of Breeding Birds?


Updated 2013 Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Recreational Season Length Estimates

In February 2013, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council requested the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) promulgate an emergency rule for the 2013 recreational red snapper season.


Reasons for Prescribed Fire in Forest Management

A summary of all the benefits of prescribed fire in southern forests.


Conservation buffers - wildlife benefits in Southeastern agricultural systems

Conservation buffers such as filter strips, riparian buffers, grassed waterways, and field borders are especially applicable to southeastern landscapes and have multiple environmental benefits while serving to significantly improve wildlife habitats.


Bobwhite and Upland Songbird Response to CCRP Practice CP33, Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds

Summary Findings The Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds practice (CP33) is the first Federal conservation practice to target species-specific population recovery goals of a national wildlife conservation initiative (the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative).


A Burning Issue - Prescribed Fire and Fire-adapted Habitats of the East Gulf Coastal Plain

East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture (EGCPJV) prescribed fire communications strategy.  Developed with input from more than 45 prescribed fire/resource management experts throughout the East Gulf Coastal Plain, as well as guidance from the EGCPJV staff and board, the Strategy focuses on achieving three overarching policy, outreach and education goals that address current impediments to the use of prescribed fire.& ...


Toxicities of Agricultural Pesticides to Selected Aquatic Organisms

Lists toxicities of many different chemicals and how to reduce the risk of pesticide drift. A list of all Southern Regional Aquaculture Center factsheets (more than 150) are available at https://srac.t ...


Establishing Native Warm Season Grasses For Upland Wildlife

In recent years, there has been increased interest in establishing native warm season grasses (NWSG) and forbs as wildlife habitat. Commonly known as prairie or prairie grass, native grasslands and savannas, a forest/grassland complex with less than 50% tree coverage, historically dominated the landscape across much of the United States.


Strategies for Managing the Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife and Ecosystems

From The Heinz Center, this 2008 lengthy publication is targeted to land managers who practice adaptive management.


Longleaf Pine Regeneration

Provides instructions for artificial regeneration, site prep, seedings and planting to re-establish longleaf pine.  The guidelines conclude, “Longleaf pine has many desirable characteristics for landowners who have multiple-use forest management objectives.


Prescribed Fire Associations

A Prescribed Fire Association is a group of landowners and other concerned citizens that form a partnership to conduct prescribed burns. Prescribed burning is the key land management tool used to restore and maintain native plant communities to their former diversity and productivity for livestock production and wildlife habitat.


A Field Guide to Southeast Bird Monitoring Protocols and Programs

A review of bird census techniques opens with the statement that ‘birds are counted for a wide variety of reasons by a bewildering range of methods’.


Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians And Reptiles of the Southeastern United States

The Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles series (hereafter Guidelines) is intended to provide private landowners, state and federal land agencies, and other interested stakeholders with regional information on the habitat associations and requirements of amphibians and reptiles, possible threats to these habitats, and recommendations for managing lands in ways compatible with or beneficial to amphibians and reptiles.


National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative Unified Strategy to Restore Wild Quail

Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) were once common, even abundant, on farms, rangelands and forests across more than 30 states. Bobwhites have declined an average of 3% per year since 1966, and have virtually disappeared from some northern states.


12 Wildlife Habitat Tips for Small Acreages

This brief University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture publication includes tips for developing a management plan and actual practices for habitat management.


Ecosystem services provided by bats

Review of the available literature on the ecological and economic impact of ecosystem services provided by  bats.


Costs of Small Scale Catfish Production

Cost estimates developed for 6 2-acre levee ponds, including production facilities, site selection and pond construction, feed storage, water supply, equipment, and production practices.


Deep-Sea Benthic Footprint of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout


Wildlife Tourism and the Gulf Coast Economy

Wildlife tourism contributes substantially to the Gulf Coast economy.  Wildlife tourism is defined as (1) guide and outfitter businesses directly serving wildlife watchers, recreational fishers and hunters, and (2) lodging and dining establishments where these clients sleep and eat.



Summarizes biology of wild pigs, history of introduction and range of occurence within the U.S., and ecological and economic impacts, with suggestions for management strategies.


A Degraded Gulf of Mexico - Wildlife and Wetlands Two Years Into the Gulf Oil Disaster

Report summarizes current status of coastal wetlands and six wildlife species in the Gulf two years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.


 Wildlife Conservation Strategy

Show Articles on Wildlife Conservation Strategy (1)
Using Existing Tools to Expand Cooperative Conservation for Candidate Species Across Federal and Non-Federal Lands

For many years the Service has worked with partners to help them develop Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCAs). CCAs primarily have been developed by Federal agencies to cover Federal lands, and several have resulted in conservation efforts that made listing unnecessary.